On February 11 we celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. In 1858, Blessed Mother appeared 18 times to St. Bernadette Soubirous in the cave at Massabielle in Lourdes. In her final apparition Blessed Virgin proclaimed herself as “The Immaculate Conception”. Even today about 4 t0 6 million pilgrim visit the Shrine for healing and comfort.
Thank you, Holy Trinity! Thanks to your generosity we were able to collect a total of 434 items and $448.00 for Azle Community Caring Center. Sadly, we did not predict this year’s Super Bowl Champion with your donations. Holy Trinity donated 227 items and 283.00 to the Cincinnati Bengals Basket and 169 items and 165.00 to the Los Angeles Rams.
This Tuesday we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. In the Eastern tradition of the Church it was called ‘Feast of Encounter’. Encounter because it was the meeting of God in incarnate and the humanity which was presented by Simeon and Anna, the old couple in the Temple.
CHRISTMAS FOOD BASKETS This year again we are helping locally with the Azle Community Caring Center with 175 Christmas meal baskets. Holy Trinity will be donating boxes See items at bottom. Please bring them in and put in box provided by the front office or Foyer by Friday, December 3rd. Any questions, please contact the office.
We are finishing the Advent season and entering Christmas. If Advent was a time to prepare the rooms, by our ‘garage sale’ Christmas is a time to fill in with new gifts. We need to tune up our spiritual life at the beginning of this liturgical season as we tune up a guitar or replace our house roof. To begin anew we must throw off a few things in life.
In October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month. “During the Year of St. Joseph, the Holy Family Invites us to reflect more deeply on how St. Joseph Loved Jesus with a father’s heart Child and the Blessed Mother bears witness to our own call as Christians to safeguard God’s gift of human life”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that when we receive a child, it is then that we receive Jesus. Jesus calls us to recognize and identify the figurative children in our lives. Who are the most in need of help? Where are those people who rely on the care of others to have their needs met? When we reach out to those who are helpless, who cry out in need, we are receiving Jesus into our hearts with love and selflessness.
Diocese Updates Mass Protocols (4/25/2021) This weekend wearing masks in church is optional. Social distancing and sanitizing will still be required. For those who are uncomfortable being in a space where some are not wearing masks, St. Francis Hall will be open and masks will be required in the Hall. Mass will be projected live on the video screens and Communion will be distributed in the Hall.