If you are at least in the 4th grade, have received your First Holy Communion and set a good example as a student and a member of the congregation, you can become an altar server. This very important task is reserved for only the most well behaved and reverent of our youth. An altar server must know the Mass and be able to assist the celebrant and acolyte as they perform their duties at Weekday and Sunday Masses, baptisms, marriages, funerals and other liturgical celebrations. They must always remain alert to Father’s direction and set the example on the altar and in their daily activities. To be an altar server is a privilege not given to all and should be cherished by those selected. If you think you might want to fulfill this responsibility see Mr. Jesse Benes.
The Holy Trinity Choir is a volunteer choir of adults, teens and children, led by its director on violin and accompanied by its pianist/organist. We lead the congregation in song for the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. The congregation at Holy Trinity utilizes the Breaking Bread hymnal to join voices with the choir. The choir is happy to see and hear so many in the congregation participating in the Mass in this way. As St. Augustine said, “He who sings prays twice.”
In addition to the Mass Parts (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Mystery of Faith, Great Amen, Lamb of God), we sing a Processional hymn, Children’s Liturgy hymn, Preparation hymn, Communion hymn, a hymn for those celebrating birthdays and a Recessional hymn. The hymns we sing are appropriate for the liturgical season and emphasize the readings and antiphons for the day whenever possible. We sing most hymns in 3 or 4 part harmony, singing Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (SATB) parts. We have several choir members who are cantors for the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Acclamation. The choir is featured during the Prelude before Mass and Reflection piece after Communion. The instrumental Reflection before the Communion hymn features our pianist.
Besides Mass each Sunday, the Holy Trinity Choir sings for Christmas Vigil Mass, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, and most holy day Masses and penance services throughout the liturgical year.
The Holy Trinity Choir gets together to practice for 1 ½ to 2 hours each week. No audition or ability to read music or previous choir experience is required – just a desire to praise God through singing. Contact: Milissa Kotzer
EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY is a Liturgical Ministry whereby one assists the Celebrant at the Mass to serve Holy Communion and Precious Blood to the community. Also if needed, takes Holy Communion to the sick and home bound. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Vicki Walter at 817-701-5165 or [email protected]
If someone is interested in becoming an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, they can contact the church office.
Reading the “Word of the Lord” is an exceptionally important aspect of the liturgical celebration. The individuals who do this must be capable of reading in an expressive and meaningful manner. Lectors are called upon to read approximately once every couple of months on a weekday or weekend. A lector should be a confirmed Catholic who has a passion for the Word of God and sharing it with others. In addition, children in 4th-8th grades have the opportunity to serve as student lectors during the Wednesday night CCD Masses. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Angie Luetkemeyer at 817-444-3974 or [email protected]
Hospitality/Usher Ministry is a liturgical ministry where one welcomes and greets members of the congregation and visitors as they enter the church. To be a usher you must be an active member of the men’s club or a spouse of an active member.
1. Greeting people with a smile, a handshake and a good morning.
2. Opening doors, assisting the elderly and showing people where they can sit.
3. Directing the flow for communion and assisting with dismissal after Mass.
4. Parking cars when needed
6. Taking up the collection
7. Assist in taking the gifts up to the altar.
It takes 6 ushers to make sure everything runs smoothly. It’s easy work and we would love to have you. We wear khaki pants and white shirts. We have blue coats and name tags for winter. If you would like to join please contact Mike Vance.
Contacts: Mike Vance (817) 789-7431 English Masses ** Ruben Tellez (817) 629-7187 Spanish Mass