Registrations for the 2021-2022 calendar year are closed. Enrollment for the next 2022-2023 classes will be announced at the Masses at July/August 2022.
Eucharist Preperation is held during our Religious Education during the school year calendar. - Mass and class times are Wednesdays 6:30pm - 8:00pm. Contact is Kim Coleman, Coordinator of Religious Education K-8th Grades. [email protected] or call the parish offices @ (817) 444-3063.
Register as a parishioner: REGISTER HERE
Register for the Penance & Eucharist Preparation Sessions online.
Provide necessary documents
Child’s Baptismal Certificate
Diocesan Form A: (each child)
Proof of Previous Formation (if coming from another Parish)—this can be:
A letter from the other parish’s DRE or Pastor with the dates and formation attended.
A letter from a Catholic School with the dates and formation attended.
Schedule an inquiry meeting with the Catechist or Director of Faith Formation.
Attend all First Penance & First Eucharist Preparation Sessions
At least one (1) parent and the child must attend.
Register for and attend Family Catechesis Parent Catechesis sessions
This is in addition to First Penance & Eucharist Preparation Sessions.
More information about Family Catechesis.
Schedule a discernment meeting before First Penance.
Attend First Penance rehearsal and First Penance itself.
Schedule a discernment meeting before First Eucharist.
Attend First Eucharist rehearsal and First Penance itself.
Registration Fees: $ per child.
If you are a parishioner of Holy Trinity, and desire to have your child first penance and Eucharist at another parish, then you will need a Letter of Good Standing and/or a Letter of Permission from the Pastor.
If the parish is within the Diocese of Fort Worth, you must:
If the parish is outside the Diocese of Fort Worth then: